Tuesday, May 7, 2024
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HomeMaintenanceRenovation plans greenlighted for Longcross station

Renovation plans greenlighted for Longcross station

South Western Railway (SWR) has signed a funding agreement with Surrey County Council (SCC) to deliver a significant improvement project at Longcross station.

The agreed planning proposals will see a renovation of Longcross station, with a refurbished waiting room, renovated and additional waiting shelters, extra benches, platform upgrades and the rollout of new public announcement and CCTV systems.

The work at Longcross station is set to start this summer and expected to be finalised in early 2022.

The £750,000 investment – which was provided by property developers Crest Nicholson – forms part of the wider development scheme in the Longcross area. This programme will not only deliver new housing in the form of Longcross Garden Village, but also create a new community and retain a local film studio. 

Alex Foulds, Major Projects Director at South Western Railway commented: “We are passionate about ensuring that the local transport infrastructure is sufficient for a growing community in the Longcross area. That’s why we’re delighted to be delivering this exciting upgrade of Longcross station.

“Prior to COVID-19 and travel restrictions, we were seeing a steady uptick in the number of customers using the station for both leisure and business purposes. Now as restrictions ease, we are looking forward to both existing and new customers benefiting from the new facilities at this transformed station.”

Kerry James, North Area Team Leader at Surrey County Council added: “This is a significant milestone reached; providing necessary rail infrastructure that will support the development of Longcross Garden Village, enabling residents to make sustainable travel choices.

“It’s a fantastic example of what collaboration can achieve with SCC and SWR working closely together and property developers Crest Nicholson providing the necessary funding through the planning process.”

For further information on the project visit: https://www.runnymede.gov.uk/article/15572/Garden-Village-at-Longcross

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