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HomeHS2HS2 contract award provides a welcome boost for Stratford Upon Avon SME

HS2 contract award provides a welcome boost for Stratford Upon Avon SME

A small family-run business in Stratford Upon Avon has received a boost after completing its first contract on Europe’s biggest engineering project, HS2.

Enabling works contractor HDR Group played a key role in the site preparation works ready for construction of HS2’s longest rail viaduct, which will be built in the Colne Valley on the north west outskirts of London by HS2’s construction partner Align JV.

The company, which employs 75 people and prides itself on sustainability through the recycling and reuse of waste materials, hopes the contract award will be the first of many as the construction of HS2 extends northwards into the next decade and beyond.

David Edwards, Commercial Contracts Manager at HDR Group said: “We were delighted to make it through to the tender shortlist, but to then be awarded the contract was a huge win for us.

We’re really proud to have played a part in the construction of HS2 and hope that the next phases in the construction programme, extending the railway to Crewe and then on to Manchester, will open up even more opportunities for us to win work in the future.”

HDR Group set itself a target to recycle at least 98% of the materials its gathers when carrying out demolition and preparatory works, though it always aims to achieve 100%. Their business ethos aligns to HS2’s circular economy principles, which strive to keep resources in use for as long as possible and recover and regenerate resources at the end of each use.

On their programme of works for HS2, HDR Group achieved a 98% recycle rate and its reuse of materials enabled it to support HS2’s wider programme of environmental mitigation and construction works along the route of the new railway. Roof tiles they gathered were recycled and reused in the construction of new specially-built bat houses, which are designed to provide roosting sites for the protected mammals. Bricks were also broken down to create aggregate for haul roads, so that HS2’s construction materials could be transported to and from site avoiding busy public roads wherever possible.

HS2’s Procurement and Supply Chain Director, Andrew Cubitt, said: “Ensuring that small British businesses benefit from HS2 contract opportunities is a priority for us, and crucial for them, as companies up and down the country strive to recover from the effects of the pandemic.

“HDR Group has a commitment to sustainable construction that matches our own and we’re proud to have them on board in our supply chain.”

HS2 Ltd has already awarded around £18bn worth of contracts directly and a significant proportion of this value is expected to flow out to the wider supply chain. By the end of 2022, it’s estimated this figure will reach around £25bn. Over 2,000 businesses have already won work on the project, 70% of which are SMEs.

For more information about joining HS2’s supply chain visit

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