Tuesday, May 7, 2024
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HomeUncategorizedWhat is read and then blue? Northern has the answer

What is read and then blue? Northern has the answer

Northern has launched a new campaign to remind people to recycle their old newspapers.

The slogan for the campaign is ‘When it’s read it’s blue’ — meaning when you have finished catching up on the national headlines you then put the newspaper in a blue recycling bin.

Northern has put blue recycling bins in 10 stations across its network specifically for newspapers.  

The bins will be available for use at Manchester Victoria, Morpeth, Cramlington, Alnmouth, Skipton, Bradford Forster Square, Shipley and Meadowhall, Blackpool North and Halifax stations. 

It is hoped the trial will reduce contamination from coffee cups, takeaway food wrappers and other materials – which means the bin is rejected by recycling centres.  

Black-rimmed bins currently at all stations are for all other waste, including cardboard coffee cups, food wrappers and rail tickets, which contain a metal strip, making them unsuitable for paper recycling.  

The introduction of the dedicated bins coincides with the Great British Spring Clean which runs from March 25th until April 10th 2022. 

Mike Roe, safety and environment director said: “Northern is delighted to be rolling out this trial across the network so we can help stop newspapers from going to waste and help our customers to recycle.”

Run by Keep Britain Tidy, The Great British Spring Clean encourages people across the country to join forces across the country to pick up litter and make a difference to their environment. 

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